Senin, 30 Agustus 2010

NUHA - 1 [Awal Pertemuan]

Berawal dari rasa iri dan kesal pada beberapa orang yang mengelompok-lompokkan diri dan memilih-milih teman yang dijadikan gandengan untuk belajar dan bertanya masalah pelajaran kuliah, aku dan Nonop merasa gerah dan tidak mau terkalahkan. Beberapa hari aku menyusun rencana untuk membentuk kelompok serupa dan menciptakan rencana-rencana besar nan aneh yang akan kami lakukan secara diam-diam hingga nanti telah jadi dan pantas untuk dimunculkan dan berharap "mereka-mereka" (teman-teman yang telah kami buruk sangkai) akan "ter wah-wah" dengan hasil kerja kami dan kami yang telah mereka tak anggap dan tak mereka perhitungkan ternyata adalah orang-orang hebat (hahaha, mimpi di siang berpetir)!

Pada awal pendiriannya, kelompokku ini hanya terdiri dari 2 orang, yah itu lah! Aku dan Nopi, dua orang manusia yang dihatinya dijejali oleh buruk sangka dan dengki pada orang lain. Setiap 3 kali seminggu, kami membuat acara perpanjangan waktu kuliah, maksudnya setelah teman-teman pulang kuliah sekitar jam 03 pm, kami masih harus merelakan sekitar 2 jam hingga pukul 5 untuk belajar Bahasa Inggris, mengerjakan PR, diskusi pelajaran, dan merencanakan hal-hal aneh yang akan kami lakukan berikutnya. Qodarulloh, rencana kami berjalan cukup baik, walaupun rasa lelah di kepala dan badan, hujan air di luar sana, dan hujan keringat di dalam diri ini, tak satupun menghalangi kami untuk tetap rutin menjalankan jadwal belajar kelompok tambahan itu, walaupun hanya berdua saja!

Selang beberapa hari, muncul 2 orang dengan bertandang rasa-rasa seperti apa yang menjadi alasan Kami untuk mendirikan kelompok "ini". Mba Nur dan Umma, 2 orang teman seprogramku dari Kendal dan Enrekang, wajah-wajah harapan seperti yang Kami rasakan ternyata mereka rasakan juga diam-diam. Baru, hingga kami 2 orang yang dianggap tak mungkin untuk bertindak mengelompokkan diri, akhirnya menjadi inspirasi juga buat mereka! Kami yang mungkin di pandangan mereka adalah manusia-manusia manut yang selalu menerima apaun seada-adanya, mungkin lagi yah! kala itu muncul seperti seorang teraniaya yang baru belajar membuka mulut, dan kami pantas untuk dijadikan contoh (huahahaha). Dan ternyata memang! merekapun ingin diakui! (hehe, lebay dikit).

Akhirnya, 4 orang telah bertemu!!

Esoknya Kami putuskan untuk mengubah rencana dan mengadakan rapat untuk melakukan program ulang kegiatan dan apa-apa yang akan Kami lakukan. Then, program kedua keluar!

Tapi, wow! Belum sempat satupun program dari hasil rapat kedua dijalankan, sudah muncul 2 orang baru yang ingin bergabung ke dalam klub Kami, Mba Tika dan Lia. Hahahah! Kalau diungkapkan dalam pribahasa, seolah-olah "tak ada umpan yang dipasang, ikan datang memakan kail". Hatiku sangat senang, rasanya seperti ada hujan turun di tengah padang sahara! Kegembiraanku begitu besaarr!

Dan akhirnya, 6 orang bertemu!! 

Dari 6 orang anggota yang telah terkumpul dengan tanpa paksaan dan dengan kesadaran penuh dari anggota, rapat re-program ke-tiga pun dilakukan kembali..! Sekitar bulan mei 2009, setelah melalui diskusi dan perdebatan konyol akhirnya grup tetap telah terbentuk, dan diputuskanlah kelompok belajar dan kelompok "ngapa-ngapain" kami telah remsi untuk dijalankan dan dikenal siapapun dengan nama "NUHA".

Akhirnya, NUHA telah lahir!!

Untuk arti dan mengapa kami memilih nama kelompok NUHA, silahkan teman-teman tunggu untuk artikel di rubrik "Mozaik Hidupku" berikutnya.. Penasaran kan?! Makanya, terus berkunjung yah! (Wkwkwkw, sok penting)


Asiyah bint Muhammad Zainy

Minggu, 29 Agustus 2010

Aku Selalu Diberi Kesempatan

Alhamdulillah 'alaa kulli haal,

Mengingat perjalanan hidupku yang meliak-liuk seperti serabut benalu, dengan segala kisah sedih dan menyenangkan, segala kisah biasa dan menegangkan, segala pilihan ke arah baik dan buruk, segalah keputusan yang salah dan benar, segala ketaatan dan kedurhakaan, dan dengan penentangan serta dosa yang sangat melimpah ruah, masih saja aku tetap ditunjukkan dan diarahkan seperti ini - berjalan untuk bertemu Dia.

Dia.. Alloh Yang Maha Esa, Yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang. Yang Memiliki jiwa ini, Yang Membolak-balikkan hati ini.
Dengan kata apa hendak kugores ungkapan penghambaan dalam bahasa ibuku ini?
Dengan kalimat apa hendak aku jelaskan kesyukuran dengan bahasa yang aku pahami ini?

Sungguh, telah 21 tahun lamanya aku diizinkan membuka dan menutup mata, bernafas, merasakan segar udara pagi, merasakan nikmatnya angin di bawah terik matahari, merasakan nikmatnya nasi untuk mengobati lapar maupun nafsu. Kehidupanku ini, lengkap dan sempurna tanpa cacat. Setiap pagi aku bangun, kelopak mataku bisa membuka dirinya, warna-warna dunia masih mengizinkan dirinya untuk aku kenali, serta lidahku bisa bebas berucap do'a kesyukuran atau tidak karena telah dibangunkan lagi untuk memulai memilih perbuatan baik atau buruk hingga aku akan tidur lagi. Segala wajah, watak, perlakuan, perkataan, godaan, dan keduniaan telah aku temui, dengan segala pemahaman, prinsip, dan pengalaman yang mereka tularkan padaku. Aku masih pula tetap seperti ini - seorang muslimah yang memilki keyakinan di hati  dan mengakui  sekuat-kuatnya akan keesaan Alloh.
Dia... Mengingat dia, aku ingin sekali menangis. Entah berapa kedurhakaan dan pengabaian aku perbuat, dosa-dosaku sudah tak sanggup aku perkiraan, kesalahanku tidak pernah habis untuk ku ingat agar bisa diperbaiki, tapi tetap saja Alloh menunjukkan kasih sayangnya padaku.
Dia telah menjadikan aku seorang wanita yang terlahir dalam keadaan islam, hatiku sangat bahagia jika mengingat itu saja walaupun kesedihan apapun  yang sedang aku hadapi.

Tidak itu saja, tidak saja menjadikan aku seorang anak, seorang gadis, seorang wanita yang terlahir dalam keadaan islam di tengah keluarga islam dan lingkungan islam tetapi juga memberikan aku saudara-saudari seaqidah yang selalu menegarkanku diujung keruntuhan, menguatkanku ditiap kerapuhan dan menyemangatiku pada riak-riak kesakitan yang seringkali kuhadapi. Ada diantara mereka yang datang  denga prinsip dan pemahaman Islam yang kukuh, ada yang masih setengah-setengah, ada pula yang tidak tahu sama sekali. Akan tetapi subahan Alloh, mereka yang setengah-setengah, mereka yang tidak tahu sama sekali kini  telah menjadi melebihi orang yang ku anggap memiliki prinsip dan pemahaman kukuh dahulu. Berjuta harapan akan kebaikan masih memiliki ruang yang sangat luas di hati-hati mereka, dan itulah yang juga menjadi media kekuatan dari Alloh untukku.

Nafas ketakutan di kala sholat, air mata setelah bermaksiat, kesedihan karena "kalah saing" beribadah kian hari kian nampak menggembung dari diri mereka. Kini, kesedihan mereka tak lagi karena tidak memiliki benda yang orang lain miliki, tidak lagi karena lebih kecilnya nilai di atas kertas dan di ujung pena manusia, akan tetapi  kesedihan mereka  lebih karena  tidak memiliki apa yang Alloh Perintahkan, lebih  kareana merasa tidak mendapatkan nilai yang meraka harapkan Alloh untuk berikan pada mereka. Hal apa saja itu? Keikhalasan dalam beribadah! Keistiqomahan! Ittiba'! Khusyu'! Rasa cinta karenaNya, dan semua hal yang berkaitan denganNya,  berkaitan dengan Allohu Robbul 'Alamiin.

Yaa Alloh, tiada lain kata yang bisa aku lantunkan selain 'Alhamdulillah 'alaa kulli haal", berkahilah mereka, berkahilah kami. Aku sangat mencintai mereka, karenanya tetapkanlah Kami di atas jalan lurus menujuMU. Aku sangat mencintaiku kejadianku, keislamanku, kemuslimahanku.. Karenanya tetapkan dan perbaikilah aku agar memiliki bekal untuk berjumpa denganMU. Aaamiin.

----- untuk ungkapan kali ini, ana cukupkan dahulu, insya Alloh disambung lagi jika Alloh Menghendaki -----

19 Romadhon,
- Asiyah bint Muhammad Zainy

Jumat, 27 Agustus 2010

Coconut Oil For Beautiful Skin and Hair

Coconut oil is a natural and highly beneficial oil for healthy, youthful, disease-free skin and hair. When coconut oil is applied topically or taken internally, it helps to keep the skin soft and smooth and gives hair a beautiful shine, whilst at the same time reducing the effects of aging and preventing infections from entering the skin. Unlike conventional lotions and body care products, coconut oil is a natural product and is therefore free from harsh, potentially toxic chemicals and other additives. Protects the Skin
The chemical structure of coconut oil consists of medium-chain fatty acids, which are small molecules, making it easily absorbed into the skin and hair.
The skin consists of an outer protective layer that acts as a barrier, stopping harmful organisms from penetrating the skin. This is an oil called sebum, and is very important to skin health. Like coconut oil, it contains medium-chain fatty acids, and helps to lubricate the skin and hair, and prevent fungal and bacterial infections from entering the body.
This protective layer can be washed away by bathing or through broken skin. Applying coconut oil to the skin quickly re-establishes this natural chemical barrier, by increasing the number of antimicrobial fatty acids on the skin and therefore protecting it from infection.

Oils have a visible effect on all tissues of the body, especially connective tissues. These tissues are found in the skin, muscles, bones, nerves and internal organs, and support the framework for all body tissues, holding everything together. These give skin strength and elasticity. As the skin ages however, these tissues are attacked by free radicals, which cause it to sag and wrinkle.
The only way to fight this free radical damage is with antioxidants, therefore it is essential to have plenty of antioxidants in our cells and tissues to protect them. The number of antioxidants in our tissues is largely determined by the nutrients in our diet. However, coconut oil has also been found to be the ideal lotion for protecting it against damage, promoting healing and giving it a healthy, soft, youthful appearance.

Pure coconut oil is an excellent natural skin moisturizer. It prevents free radical formation and the damage it causes. It helps prevent the skin from developing blemishes causes by aging and other factors. It is absorbed into the skin and keeps connective tissue strong and supple so that skin doesn't age prematurely.
This wonderful oil also makes an ideal ointment for the relief of dry, rough and flaky skin. It helps to remove the layer of dead skin cells on the outer surface of the skin, leaving it smoother, evenly textured and moisturized.

Healing and Repair
Coconut oil has been found to help stimulate healing and repair. Some of its reported health benefits for skin include helping with:
  • Inflammatory conditions like psoriasis
  • Acne
  • Fungal infections like athlete's foot
  • Sunburn
  • Healing cuts, bruises and sprains, and reducing scarring
  • Insect bites
How to Use coconut Oil
To use coconut oil on the skin, massage in a small amount and reapply it often. The oil is quickly absorbed into the skin and doesn't leave a greasy film like commercial lotions and oils do. Coconut oil will gradually soften the skin with regular use, removing dead layers, and encourage the growth of new, healthier tissue.
For severely dried or cracked skin, apply a liberal amount of coconut oil to the affected area, wrap it loosely in plastic or a towel, and leave it on overnight or at least a few hours. Repeat this process until the condition improves.
Coconut oil can be used on the entire body. Massage it into the skin for best results. It can also be used on the face to improve complexion and smooth out any blemishes.

Hair Care
Coconut oil makes a great hair conditioner. It gives hair a healthy shine, is great for the scalp and helps to control dandruff. It helps to reestablish a healthy skin environment by replacing natural oils that may have been washed away.
Studies have shown that using coconut oil on the hair can help prevent combing damage and improve its overall health and appearance. One study, in particular, found that compared to sunflower and mineral oils, coconut oil was the only one that reduced protein loss for both undamaged and damaged hair when used both pre-wash and post-wash. The authors explained this difference was due to the composition of the oils. coconut oil, being rich in medium-chain triglycerides is able to penetrate inside the hair shaft, protecting it from protein loss as well as giving it body. The other two oils have a different composition and therefore have no positive impact on protein loss. Only coconut oil can protect the hair and prevent hair damage, so it is clearly the best oil to use for hair.
To use, massage warm coconut oil into the hair, leave in on overnight, and wash it out in the morning. For a more intensive treatment, soak the hair thoroughly in the oil for an hour or two, before washing.

Types of coconut Oil
There are two types of coconut oil: processed and virgin. The difference between the oils depends on the amount of processing the oil undergoes and the type of coconut used. Processed oil is made from dried coconuts and has usually undergone extensive processing such as refining, bleaching and deodorizing, and is the type typically used in foods and cosmetics.
"Virgin" signifies an oil that has undergone less refining with lower temperatures and without chemicals. It is also made from fresh coconuts, and retains its naturally occurring phytochemicals (plant chemicals). Virgin coconut oil usually has a mild coconut flavor and aroma compared to more refined oils, which have less taste, smell and are colorless.
Regardless of the method of processing, however, both oils contain essentially the same amount of health-promoting medium-chain fatty acids. These fatty acids are very resistant to heat and are not harmed by processing, even at high temperatures. Therefore, all types of coconut oils are considered healthy oils.
Pure coconut oil should be a crystal clear liquid in warm conditions, and becomes a hard, white solid in cooler climates. This process does not affect the quality of the oil, and solidified coconut oil quickly becomes liquid when the container is immersed in hot water or warmed in the hands.


Mother's Diet Affects Newborn Allergy Risk

Eating lots of vegetables and fruits during pregnancy is associated with lowering the chance of having a baby with certain allergies, study findings from Japan suggest. The study found that babies born to women who ate high amounts of green and yellow fruits and vegetables, and those rich in beta carotene, had a reduced risk of being born with eczema, a condition that cause the skin to become itchy, dry, reddened and cracked.
Furthermore, foods high in Vitamin E, found in some green vegetables, were similarly found to lessen the risk of having a wheezy infant.

Study Details
Researchers evaluated vegetable and fruit intake during pregnancy of 763 women and their offspring's early-age eczema or allergic wheeze.
The women were 30 years old on average and about 17 weeks pregnant when they reported personal and medical history. When their babies were between 16 and 24 months old, the women provided birth and breastfeeding history, number of older siblings, and exposure to smoke.

The team found that 21 percent of the youngsters wheezed or had a "whistling in the chest in the last 12 months," and fewer than 19 percent had eczema.
According to the investigators, moms who ate greater amounts of green and yellow vegetables, citrus fruits, or beta carotene while pregnant were less likely to have an infant with eczema.

For example, after allowing for other eczema risk factors, eczema was more common among infants of moms who ate the least versus the most green and yellow vegetables - 54 and 32 infants, respectively.

Likewise, higher intake of Vitamin E during pregnancy was associated a reduced likelihood of having a wheezy infant.

The researchers said that increasing intake of green and yellow vegetables, citrus fruits, and antioxidants such as Beta-carotene and Vitamin E among pregnant women "deserves further investigation as measures that would possibly be effective in the prevention of allergic disorders in the offspring."

This study supports previous and on-going research that eating foods rich in vitamin and minerals, like those found in fruits and vegetables, during pregnancy can go a long way in preventing children from developing allergies.

Breastfeeding is another way to ensure your baby receives the most wholesome nutrition possible. Breast-fed babies are typically born with fewer or no allergies when compared to their formula-fed counterparts. Breast milk contains all the required nutrients crucial for healthy growth and offers protection against infections and diseases, which bottle-feeding does not provide.

Research Paper Details:
Miyake Y, Sasaki S, Tanaka K, Hirota Y. Consumption of vegetables, fruit, and antioxidants during pregnancy and wheeze and eczema in infants. Allergy 2010. 


Vitamin D Protects the Health of Mother and Baby During Pregnancy

Maintaining optimal vitamin D levels is one of the most important strategies pregnant women should implement to keep both themselves and their new babies healthy.
Researchers in Britain have concluded pregnant women should be advised to take vitamin D, saying that there is a "strong case" to support the vitamin's benefits.
The paper says there is growing evidence linking vitamin D deficiency to health problems for pregnant women and newborn babies, and it will reduce the risk of diseases such as infantile hypocalcaemia and rickets.
An author of the study, said: "The incidence of vitamin D deficiency in pregnant women in Britain is unacceptably high, especially during winter and spring. "This is compounded by a lack of exposure to sunlight and the limitations of an average diet to meet the optimal need.
"In the most severe cases, maternal vitamin D deficiency can be life threatening to a newborn. We believe that the routine provision of a daily supplement throughout pregnancy would significantly decrease the number of mothers who are clearly vitamin D deficient, reducing related serious risks to their babies."
The study found that:

  • Mothers who took 4,000 IU's (ten times the RDA of 400 IU) of vitamin D during pregnancy had their risk of premature birth reduced by half;
  • Premature babies born to women taking high doses of vitamin D were reduced by half at both 32 and 37 weeks;
  • There were also fewer babies who were born "small for dates";
  • Women taking high doses of vitamin D had a 25 percent reduction in infections, particularly respiratory infections such as colds and flu;
  • The "core morbidities of pregnancy" were reduced by 30 percent in the women who took the high-dose vitamin D (including diabetes, high blood pressure, and pre-eclampsia - a potentially deadly increase in blood pressure and fluid);
  • Babies getting the highest amounts of vitamin D after birth had fewer colds and less eczema.
As a result, the researchers recommended that all mothers optimize their vitamin D levels during pregnancy, especially in the winter months, to safeguard their babies' health.
Vitamin D Is a Super-Nutrient
Vitamin D is an essential nutrient not only for healthy bones and teeth, but high levels of this nutrient in the body also strengthen the immune system and lead to substantially fewer colds, flu, and other viral infections.
Insufficient levels of vitamin D are linked to virtually every degenerative disease including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, chronic inflammation, as well as depression and autoimmune diseases.
Vitamin D is produced in the skin when it is exposed to sunlight and is also found in some foods like oily fish, liver and eggs.
People with dark-colored skin synthesize less vitamin D on exposure to sunlight than those with light-colored skin, therefore they will need more time in the sun to produce the same amount of vitamin D. The risk of vitamin D deficiency is particularly high in dark-skinned people who live in northern latitudes where there is less sunlight, and on the elderly, because they have reduced capacity to synthesize vitamin D in skin when exposed to sunlight.
Research Paper Details:
Hyppönen E, Boucher BJ. Avoidance of vitamin D deficiency in pregnancy in the United Kingdom: the case for a unified approach in National policy. Br J Nutr. 2010 Aug;104(3):309-14. 


3 Ladies talk about using Niqab, Hijab or Nothing

Bismillahirrohmanirrohim, Alhamdulillah Alloh is still giving me time to enjoy this morning freshness,

Well, 2 days ago i watched a video on youtube titles "Hijab, Niqab, or Nothing". This video really inspired me and viewed me on how to answer people questions when they will ask me about hijab or niqab simply. If you wanna watch that video, just open this site, tafadhol:


Hijab (حجاب) is the Arabic term for "cover" (noun), based on the root حجب meaning "to veil, to cover (verb), to screen, to shelter". In some Arabic-speaking countries & Western countries, the word hijab primarily refers to women's head and body covering, but in Islamic scholarship, hijab is given the wider meaning of modesty, privacy, and morality.

The word used in the Qur'an for a HEADSCARF or VEIL is khimār (خمار). QUR'AN The Qur'an instructs Muslims to dress in a modest fashion. Surah an-Nur ayah 31 states: "And say to the believing women that they cast down their looks & GUARD their PRIVATE PARTS & do NOT DISPLAY their ORNAMENTS except what appears thereof, & let them WEAR their HEAD-COVERINGS (khimars) OVER their BOSOMS (jaybs), & NOT DISPLAY their ornaments EXCEPT to their husbands or their fathers, or the fathers of their husbands, or their sons, or the sons of their husbands, or their brothers, or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their women, or those whom their right hands possess, or the male servants not having need (of women), or the children who have not attained knowledge of what is hidden of women; & let them not strike their feet so that what they hide of their ornaments may be known; & turn to Allah all of you, O believers! so that you may be successful.(Qur'an 24:31)

In the following verse, Muslim women are asked to DRAW their jalābib (when they go out), as a measure to DISTINGUISH themselves FROM OTHER, so that they are NOT HARASSED. "Those who harass believing men & believing women unjustifiably shall bear the guilt of slander & a grievous sin. O Prophet! Enjoin your wives, your daughters, & the wives of true believers to DRAW their JILBAB OVER them [when they go out]. That is MORE PROPER, so that they may be DISTINGUISHED & NOT be HARASSED. God is ever forgiving & merciful. If the hypocrites & those who have the ailment [of jealousy] in their hearts & the scandal mongers of Madinah do not desist, We will rouse you against them, & their days in that city will be numbered. Cursed be they; wherever found, they would be seized & put to death. (Qur'an 33:58-61)

HADITH The hadith (Arabic plural ahādīth) are traditions concerning the practices of the early Muslim community. The Arabic word jilbab is translated as "cloak" in the following passage. Aisha reported that Muhammad's wives went out at nighttime to open fields in the outskirts of Medina to relieve themselves. Umar bin Khattab said 'Muhammad, ask your ladies to observe veil,'[citation needed] Narrated Aisha, Ummul Mu'minin: The Prophet said: Allah does NOT ACCEPT the PRAYER of a WOMAN who has REACHED PUBERTY UNLESS she WEARS a VEIL. (Sunnan Abu Dawud 2:641)

Narrated Aisha, Ummul Mu'minin: Asma bint Abu Bakr, entered upon the Apostle of Allah wearing thin clothes. The Apostle of Allah turned his attention from her. He said: O Asma', WHEN a WOMAN REACHES the AGE of MENSTRUATION, it does NOT suit her that she DISPLAYS her parts of body EXCEPT this & this, & he pointed to her FACE & HANDS. (Sunnan Abu Dawud 32:4092)

Narrated Umm Salama Hind bint Abi Umayya, Ummul Mu'minin: WHEN the VERSE: "That they should cast their outer garments over their persons" was REVEALED, the women of Ansar CAME OUT as if they had crows OVER their HEADS by WEARING outer GARMENTS. (Sunnan Abu Dawud 32:4090) Narrated Safiya bint Shaiba: 'Aisha used to say: "WHEN (the VERSE): "They should draw their veils over their necks & bosoms," was REVEALED, (the ladies) cut their waist sheets at the edges & COVERED their FACES with the cut pieces." (Sahih Bukhari 6:60:282, Sunnan Abu Dawud 32:4091)

Narrated Anas ibn Malik: I know (about) the Hijab (the order of veiling of women) more than anybody else. Ubay ibn Ka'b used to ask me about it. Allah's Apostle became the bridegroom of Zaynab bint Jahsh whom he married at Medina. After the sun had risen high in the sky, the Prophet invited the people to a meal. Allah's Apostle remained sitting & some people remained sitting with him after the other guests had left. Then Allah's Apostle got up & went away, & I too, followed him till he reached the door of 'Aisha's room. Then he thought that the people must have left the place by then, so he returned & I also returned with him. Behold, the people were still sitting at their places. So he went back again for the second time, & I went along with him too.

When we reached the door of 'Aisha's room, he returned & I also returned with him to see that the people had left. Thereupon the Prophet hung a curtain between me & him & the Verse regarding the order for (veiling of women) Hijab was REVEALED. (Bukhari 7:65:375, Sahih Muslim 8:3334)

Rabu, 25 Agustus 2010

Asiyah bint Muzaheem


This afternoon, i am remembering of a woman i really proud to "Asiyah bint Muzaheem".
I inspired of sufferings that fir'aun did to her, these are below some stories and things relates to her and belongs to her, i hope you enjoy and could take a wisdom (ibroh) from theese:

Verses in Al-Qur'an narrates Asiyah:

"And Allah sets forth, as an example to those who believe the wife of Pharaoh: Behold she said: "O my Lord! Build for me, in nearness to Thee, a mansion in the Garden, and save me from Pharaoh and his doings, and save me from those that do wrong" (QS. At-Tahrim: 11)

"Then the people of Pharaoh picked him up (from the river): (It was intended) that (Moses) should be to them an adversary and a cause of sorrow: for Pharaoh and Haman and (all) their hosts were men of sin. The wife of Pharaoh said: "(Here is) joy of the eye, for me and for thee: slay him not. It may be that he will be use to us, or we may adopt him as a son." And they perceived not (what they were doing)"
(QS. Al-Qoshosh: 8-9)

Rosululloh Peace and Bless upon Him narrated:

"Allah's Apostle said, "Many amongst men reached (the level of) perfection but none amongst the women reached this level except Asia, Pharaoh's wife, and Mary, the daughter of 'Imran. And no doubt, the superiority of 'Aisha to other women is like the superiority of Tharid (i.e. a meat and bread dish) to other meals."

I really wanna shout that "I am proud born as a moeslem woman"

If you ask,
why do us dress this way?
Dress like snack covered?
Dress like something burried that walk on earth?
Masya Alloh, this is me, this is my character, this is my personality, this is the way i am, this is how Alloh The Almighty asks us to use, asks us to become, asks us to be.
i want to shout "I really proud to have that i have been a moeslem women"

if you ask me, what does thing that most impresses you?
without wasting time, i'll really shout "i impress that i born as a moeslem woman",
i am not a beautiful one, i am not so clever, i am not rich, i am not a good character woman,
but i know i have to try best in my life, and what i use what am i doing right now are kind of the best things, the best ways for me in how to perform, to appear, to present my self, this is the freedom, this is heaven, this is wonderful, this is miracle, you know that! that i really feel happy to be like this. My mother, my father, and all the people blessed by Alloh who know about how moeslim woman should covered their selves by hijab always support me.

this is a little paragraph of what i am feeling now,
i wrote this article about my opinion after hearing a girls opinion about hijab,

May Alloh gives me and all moeslems woman powers from Him that will always strange us in using this hijab, and becoming like this.
